Realworld Decompilation With Ida Pro 17 Fixed
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We can see that they are almost identical. A more in depth analysis of the function using the IDA Pro disassembler shows that the strings are indeed identical. We can see that the only difference between them is the new string being appended at the end.
What is left is to determine what the payload is. We have confirmation that the malware is being written to run on Windows and Linux. We have a clear indication of what the payload is. We need to find the malware. It is at this point that we can use a tool that checks for certain file extensions. In this case, IDA Pro provides us with a view of the strings.
The conversion to ascii is not needed for IDA and strings will be much more readable. If we look at the strings using the /a switch in pwc, ascii strings are shown in the rightmost column and strings are shown in the leftmost column:
Once it's loaded you will be brought into the assembly view, and you will be able to see the addresses of the code that's mapped into memory. Remember that IDA is a hex editor, and these addresses are in hexadecimal. Once you can see a mapping, you can then view the memory at that address.
This is most likely a wrapper. The malware will call this function with the user’s logon credentials (such as domain, user name, etc). In order to identify if it’s a legitimate call or a wrapper, we need to use IDA with OllyDbg to determine what it returns.
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One of the drawbacks to this approach was that we needed to recompile every time we made even a small change to the code. This slowed everything else we were doing down and because we couldn't always have someone waiting for the application to finish building. 827ec27edc